Distraktion och ouppmärksamhet

Under veckan hölls International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention i Göteborg med SAFER Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre vid Chalmers som värd. Konferensen hade runt 200 deltagare från olika delar av världen och uppmärksammades av bland andra SVT.

Här kan ni höra SAFERs föreståndare Magnus Granström berätta om konferensen och vikten av forskning kring distraktion och ouppmärksamhet i trafiken, och inte minst i automatiserade fordon (börjar vid 2:21).

Publikationer från konferensen är tillgängliga via konferensens hemsida. Här är titlar på några av studier utförda av svenska forskare:

  • Stress and sleepiness in city bus drivers — an explorative study on real roads within the ADAS&ME project. VTI.
  • What were they thinking? Subjective experiences associated with automation expectation mismatch. Volvo Cars.
  • Using counterfactual simulations to evaluate the impact of drivers’ glance behaviors on safety: A study of between-driver variability. Chalmers, Volvo Cars.
  • Texting while driving with Level 2 automation: A distraction or an opportunity? AB Volvo, Volvo Cars, Semcon, RISE.
  • Driving with kids: distracted and unsafe? Chalmers.
  • Smartphone logging – A new way to gain insight about smartphone usage in traffic. VTI.
  • Bicyclists’ adaptation strategies when receiving text messages in real traffic. VTI, Linköpings universitet.
  • Intra-individual difference in sleepiness and the effect on driving performance – a three-times repeated driving simulator study. VTI.
  • Speedometer monitoring before and after speed warnings and speed zone transitions. Chalmers.
  • What were they thinking? Subjective experiences associated with automation expectation mismatch. Volvo Cars.
  • Do individual differences explain crash involvement in highly-reliable Supervised Autonomous Driving? Volvo Cars.